Two Towns

Placemaking Strategy for Nailsea Site Opportunities Workshop 5

This was the second of two workshops to explore the potential of some key sites in Nailsea taking on board initial responses given a month previously.

Placemaking Strategy for Clevedon Site Opportunities Workshop 5

This was the second of two workshops to explore the potential of some key sites in Nailsea taking on board initial responses given a month previously.

Some of the points covered in the workshop included:

  • Celebrate a ‘can do’ spirit & add to quality of place
  • Animate crown glass with Somerset sq. as a destination, promoting economic diversity
  • Create a welcoming outward looking Town centre
  • Increase affordable housing & workspace provision in town centre
  • Enhance the high street with improved walking & cycling networks
  • Enhance green character of the town

Download the notes from the workshop

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